
Fitt Talk: Episode 32 – Squat Without Sacrifice

By July 2, 2014 January 27th, 2016 Podcast

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As the best lower body exercise, the squat is something that should be in just about everybody’s leg workout. However, there is so much debate on whether or not the ATG form is the “correct” one, versus simply hitting parallel with your legs. Is it really worth going so deep? Or, are you barely stimulating your legs enough by going parallel?

Tune in to this episode of Fitt Talk and find out what your co-hosts have to say about it!

 Items Mentioned In This Podcast

  • Fan question: should you go ATG with squats, or is parallel good enough?
  • Marc and Matt’s opinions and experiences
  • How to prevent lower back injury
  • Opinion on knee wraps


An article we’ve written on the importance of good form!

Marc’s Twitter

Matt’s Twitter

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