
Why use a pre-workout?

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Pre-workout supplements are a common choice used among individuals who want to get an extra boost for their workout, or even just the motivation to get up and go do their workout in the first place. The goal of preworkouts are to give you more energy, better focus, and more endurance during your workouts. Most of this is accomplished using...
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When to take a day off

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Just as there are some individuals who need all the help they can get to raise their motivation level up enough to not miss their workout, there are some who need to exercise (no pun intended) just as much discipline to take the day off from the gym. For some workout-aholics, the idea of taking a rest day just doesn’t...
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How to integrate positive changes into your lifestyle It’s getting to be that time of year again, and you know what that means. In less than a month, New Years will be here, and that means people are going to create resolutions as a means to better themselves. The only caveat there is, about 92% of people end up abandoning them. Everyone goes into these endeavours with good intentions. But they just never seem sustainable, and that’s a shame. Here at, the only thing we love more than people undertaking self-improvement is watching people succeed at self-improvement! The first thing you need to do when deciding on integrating a positive change into your lifestyle is choose one thing — just one. A lot of times, people will choose a laundry list of resolutions and it becomes overwhelming, usually resulting in them abandoning it altogether. By choosing a single resolution, it becomes much more likely that you’ll stick to it. It’ll be easier to focus on and you won’t have the urge to ditch the notion. Remember that it takes three weeks (or 21 days if you prefer) to make something a habit. Use all of the resources you can…

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Stretching good or not?

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Marc stretches, and so should you! Anybody who works out is no stranger to the soreness that ensues afterwards. Especially the next day and, of course, the dreaded day-two! There’s a way to reduce that, though! Although it’s good to be sore (that’s a sign you did a good job at the gym), not everybody loves the feeling of barely being able to function the next day. All of you who have done the Lift More: Legs workout know what I’m talking about. Ouch! This is where stretching comes in handy. After your workout, stretching can help to realign your muscle fibers which, in turn, helps to accelerate your recovery process. It’ll also help to reduce lactic acid buildup which aids in preventing soreness felt the next day. The stretching of the fascia will also assist in further growth of your muscles. Stretching isn’t just limited to post-workout, however. Having a good pre-workout routine can assist you in getting warmed up properly, which is a great way to prevent injury during you workout, and allow you to push harder! Marc has a go-to routine he follows when he works out, and it works wonders. Pre-workout: 1. Begin with an active…

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Barbells vs. EZ bars

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Everyone loves to work biceps! And everyone also seems to have their own personal preference when it comes to how they like to work them. There will never be a shortage of exercises you can do to work this muscle (machines and free weights alike). However, in the world of free weights, there are really two pieces of equipment that dominate people’s arm routines — the barbell and the EZ bar.  Everyone has an opinion when it comes to what the more effective bar is, but the truth is, there is no definitive answer. Here’s why. The barbell is a great choice for working your biceps, no doubt about it. When using the barbell, you are forced to take a completely supinated (palms facing up) position, making full use of the exercise. There have been studies showing that you actually do activate more of the bicep muscle when using barbells during the concentric motion of the exercise, as opposed to EZ bars. Barbells do have their drawbacks, though. Due to the nature of the curl, it can be tough on people’s wrists. And that can cause problems. If you’re more focused on the uncomfortable feeling in your wrist, rather than…

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Why you should wake up early

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We’ve all been there. You wake up and see your alarm clock displaying some hour that urges you to just hit that snooze button — over and over and over again. The initial thought of getting out of your nice, warm bed is literally the last thing you want to do. But today, we’re going to change that mindset. Of course, the hardest part about changing any habit is getting started, right? When you started your fitness journey, keeping consistent was probably one of the biggest challenges you faced. Day after day of giving your all was, to say the least, taxing. But, you got used to it. It takes 21 days to make something a habit. Now, you probably work out nearly every day without having to think about it — it’s just something you do now. You can look at waking up early the same way. It’s going to be tough in the beginning, especially if it’s something you rarely do. But if you channel your motivation to get out of bed at 5:30 a.m. the same way you got it together to hit the gym every single day, you can do this. And with enough time, it’ll just…

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Coffee: Good or bad?

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It’s no secret that coffee is a common go-to beverage for people on the go, in need of a little boost. Unfortunately, in today’s caffeine-crazed world, it’s all too easy to find a cup that can throw your diet way off and set you back. It’s a shame too, because all of the crazy combinations and recipes for all of the different types of beverages really give coffee a bad name. In fact, drinking coffee has a variety of benefits. In fact, coffee has been linked to a decreased chance of developing Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, skin cancer, oral cancer, and liver cancer. In addition, studies have shown a correlation between caffeine intake and an increase in power output during workouts. Those who consumed around 3 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight were able to produce more power than those who didn’t! And, of course, we’re all familiar with the post-caffeine jitters. That’s why it’s good to take vitamin C afterwards. It’ll help metabolize the caffeine quicker. So, those of you who work out in the evening will be able to rest assured (no pun intended) knowing that you can get your energy boost and still be…

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Follow your vision

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When we start something, we always imagine how it’s going to be. But sometimes we don’t believe enough in our vision, because it can be seen as too hard or too big for ourselves. But in reality, nothing is too big. There’s always a way to make it happen. We all fear something, we all wanted to be more than what we are now, or to have more in different area of our lives. But, the percentage of the population who are willing to risk and try is too small compared to the percentage of those who just survive and accept their current situation. If you really want to feel happy, you have to progress in life, you have to see yourself become more, and as you achieve you are on the road to live the life you model. It’s the time now; not tomorrow, not next week or next month. You are what you do, and your actions reveal what your situation is. If you want to be more, then you have to act more. You have to be willing to invest has much as it is needed in time, work, money or whatever is required to get where…

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Top 5 Foods for Good Carbs

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    This week we’ll give you a list of the foods where you can get the best, and healthiest carbs out of. First, we’ll start by saying; carbs are NOT bad! Many people think that to cut, you have to completely cut out carbs… but this is not the case. It’s not just about the quantity, but in the quality of the carbs. There are good and bad carbs. The following 5 are suggestions for foods that’ll provide you with a lot of good carbs. Oats You can almost say a staple in the diet of anyone following a diet. Oats are great for breakfast, but also for snacks throughout the day. Not only are the carbs great, but also there really isn’t much negative in them at all. In about half a cup of oats, you get 27g of clean carbs. Marc eats oats whether he is cutting, or bulking. It’s an all around great food. Rice Rice is another great source of carbs. It’s also extremely easy to prepare, and goes well with any meal. You can eat either brown, or Basmati rice, though depending on your goals; you may want to look into the nutrition facts…

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